Three people in white t-shirts kneel near each other looking in separate directions with a black background

Bunyi Bunyi Bumi


Presented by Bunjil Place and Asia TOPA, Arts Centre Melbourne

Bunyi Bunyi BumiRaymond D. Blanco, Dr Priya Srinivasan, Waangenga Blanco, Alfira O'Sullivan, Murtala, Tyrel Dulvarie


2023 February 2025


Studio, Bunjil Place

Thrumming with dance, body percussion, syncopated rhythms, and stunning visuals, the performance unites Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and Indonesian artists in a powerful rebuke of colonial amnesia.

A groundbreaking commission, Bunyi Bunyi Bumi replaces tired narratives of trade and Empire with truth, resistance, and resilience. Co-directed by raymond d. blanco (Yadhaigana & Erub) and Dr. Priya Srinivasan, in collaboration with Waangenga Blanco, Alfira O’Sullivan, and Murtala, this contemporary work uses immersive choreography to celebrate the interconnectedness of cultures.

Australian Government |  DITRRDCA
Creative Australia 1
Playking Foundation
Bunjil Place
Arts Queensland

Rehearsal video

Images: Tiffany Garvie Photography