Shadows in Twin Cities (쌍둥이 도시의 그림자들)
ArtPlay, Fed Square and Jeonju Cultural Foundation for Asia TOPA, Arts Centre Melbourne presents
Shadows in Twin Cities (쌍둥이 도시의 그림자들)JESSICA WILSON AND GIJONG YOO
20 February 2025 — 10 March 2025
Fed Square - Amphitheatre
Shadows in Twin Cities brings together children from Jeonju (Korea) and Melbourne (Australia) in unusual conversations between each other and their city landscapes.
In the workshop series Meet Me (너랑 나랑), using life-size live video, the project asks participants to find ways to communicate without words, then imagine their new friend’s form exploring their own landscape by flying their traced body in the wind.
In Watch Me Fly (바람을 만난 그림자) the project then positions video footage of children playing with and ‘flying’ each other’s shadow on large public screens in each city, an antidote to urban environments dominated by adult constructs.
And in Find My Shadow (그림자 숨바꼭질) Melbourne children explore the landscape around Fed Square to find hidden Hanji shadows in unexpected places.
Shadows in Twin Cities: 쌍둥이 도시의 그림자들 features three events that take place across ArtPlay and Fed Square (Melbourne), and Palbok Art Factory (South Korea) during Asia TOPA. Explore the individual events and learn more via the three event links.
Note: These events are suitable for children aged 5 – 11 years.
Jessica Wilson celebrates in the zaniest possible way the playfulness of children, while giving them a rather sophisticated glimpse into the world of music