The Prey And The Ruler
TicketsThe Prey And The RulerSenyawa + Aviva Endean + Lawrence English + Peter Knight, Rachel Shearer (Aotearoa), Cloudy Ku (TW/AU) and Ai Yamamoto (JP/AU)
Curated by ROOM40
6 March 2025
Club 8
Zones for outer orbit sound worlds, post-world atmospheres and deep rift drifts.
Curated by ROOM40, The Prey And The Ruler is an exercise in extended sound practices that trace a line north from Naarm/Melbourne. Each performance interrogates a different sonic form and methodology and pushes outward to create orbits of meshing sound worlds and post-zonal atmospheres.
The eponymous headliner for The Prey And The Ruler is a collaboration between acclaimed musicians Senyawa, Aviva Endean, Lawrence English and Peter Knight. Don’t miss their Australian premiere performance.
This event is strictly 18+
Lead image: photo by Traianos Pakioufakis
Images: 1 Senyawa, Endean, English, Knight by Anton; 2 Cloudy Ku by Zemmy Lee; 3 Ai Yamamoto by Toshiki Tanaka
"(Senyawa) ... a thrilling, at times ecstatic serenade to the collapse of civilisation."