20 Feb — 10 Mar 2025
Phasmahammer (Justin Talplacido Shoulder), PANELIA (India), LỘC, MOWGLI and Tristan Jalleh
Shapeshifters is Asia TOPA’s sacred arena for performers and musicians who fluidly morph between bodies, cultures, space and time.
乒乒乓乓 pin-pin-piàng-piàng
13 Cobra + Cloudy Ku, fareevader, Harrison Hall, Løst Reflexion, Mara Galagher, pinae 피네, SNR MASTER CHIN MIN, Tony Yap + Jack Riley, Vessa and Yumi Umiumare
乒乒乓乓 pin-pin-piàng-piàng pulls together the most innovative club artists from across the Asia-Pacific to create a genre-fluid experience steeped in Naarm/Melbourne’s iconic rave culture.